Are you curious about trying homeopathy to assist in treating your symptoms, but nervous some of the ingredients listed on the bottle? Wondering how it is possible that the homeopathic ingredients do not endanger cells even though the substances look a little scary?
Well, those ingredients, in our improved Sinus Defense 2.0 especially, are homeopathic dilutes. Homeopathic remedies, no matter what they are made from, are designed to be healing substances. This means that, when used correctly to fit a person’s symptom profile, homeopathic remedies stimulate the body to work like it is supposed to by provoking the body to adapt and heal itself.
So, why did we alter the original formula of Sinus Defense?
The original formula worked and was effective for most of my patients, especially for those with mold allergies, but it was missing the ability to help to continue to peel the layers of mold toxicity and the many representations of mold illness. Thus, I decided to dig a little deeper into symptom profiles, viral activation, and the unique constitutions of the mold patients that I treat to add some targeted nosodes to the formula to assist with “all of the other things” my patients continued to struggle with that could make recovery elusive, even in a mold-safe environment.
So, what is a Nosode?
The word “nosodes” comes from the Greek word “nosos” which means “disease.” This is because nosodes originated from diseased organisms. Nosodes include a wide variety of different remedies that were all originally made from diseased human or animal products. They were prepared from infected organs, tissues, or secretions from humans or animals, or from cultured pathogens like bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites. Some examples of nosodes include influenzinum (prepared from the influenza virus), tuberculinim (prepared from tissues from people infected with tuberculosis), and psorinum (prepared from scabies blisters). Today, the actual substance is no longer used to prepare nosodes. The “energetic fingerprint” of that substance is what is used to safely make these ingredients.
Thus, if you are scrutinizing the ingredients in Sinus Defense 2.0, please realize that there is no original substance left in the medicine. The ingredient is just the energy or bio-energic fingerprint of the substance. This is achieved, because in the process of dilution and succession over years and centuries, the water was found to hold the memory and energy of the substance. Put into scientific practice, the “water memory” theory was tested by German scientists who placed a real flower into a body of water, and after a while, a sample droplet of the water was taken out for examination. The result produced a mesmerizing pattern when hugely magnified, but all of the droplets of this water looked very similar. When the same experiment was done with a different species of flower, the magnified droplet looked completely different, thereby determining that a particular flower was evident in each droplet of water.
The Addition of Nosodes
After seeing what the addition of these new homeopathic ingredients did for my patients in the way of removing certain obstacles to their healing, I decided to add them to our original Sinus Defense formula to make it even MORE effective.
8 Reasons to Try New Sinus Defense 2.0 with Nosodes
When the mental, physical, and particular symptoms are characteristic of the nosode. For example, use of Epstein Barr nosode in a person who is constantly fatigued, achy, has brain fog, and no amount of sleep or rest feels like it is enough. The symptoms mimic those of someone with the confirmed diagnosis of EBV. Thus, even though the person does not have active EBV, they benefit greatly from using the EBV nosode.
When well-chosen, single remedies do not work. You’ve tried many single remedies or combinations, but nothing has helped. You might need something that tackles many different symptom profiles at once.
When there is a LACK OF SYMPTOMS. The third way to use a nosode is when there is a LACK OF SYMPTOMS. There are times when there are very few symptoms by which to prescribe, but there is an undercurrent of sickness and lack of health. The person cannot say, “This is what is wrong with me.” But, they often do say, “I no longer feel like myself. Something is wrong with me.”
“Never well since…” The “never well since” cases where something like a tick bite or virus came into play and a person has never had good health since.
For a broader-brush approach. When no one homeopathic remedy fits the symptoms or case. Nosodes may provide a broader-brush approach.
Generational trauma or generational/genetic issues. When generational trauma or generational/genetic issues obstruct the efficacy of more traditional remedies or approaches. This often manifests in patients who feel broken or faulty and like something is wrong with their bodies that cannot be healed by treatments or lifestyle changes.
When the remedy or nosode is related to the disease genus. A great example of this is the use of Pertussin for whooping cough.
Homeo-prophylaxis. For homeo-prophylaxis or the prevention of the disease or virus represented by the particular nosode.
It’s important to note that the medical community does not consider nosodes to be effective in preventing disease. But while scientific evidence is lacking, a homeopathic review suggests that nosodes have the potential to help many people overcome both chronic and acute illness conditions.
Dr. Dennis MD, FACS, developed the Microbalance Health Products portfolio of products, dietary supplements, and homeopathic medicines. He is a licensed Ear, Nose, and Throat Physician and Surgeon and has authored numerous publications and presentations related to chronic sinusitis, mold sensitivity, and environmental illness over 35 years. He has extensive experience treating environmental illnesses.
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