About Susan Tanner

Susan Tanner has practiced medicine for over 33 years, concentrating primarily on chronic illness and the impacts on the individual, the family and the community. Her driving curiosity into why people are made ill caused her to pursue education in Environmental Medicine, completing coursework, exams, and necessary practice years to earn board certification in this area in 2009. Her own struggles with mold-related illness drove her desire to teach those similarly affected. While in clinical practice, Dr. Tanner wrote and contributed to a number of publications on environmental health, prepared narratives for understanding in legal matters, and researched new techniques for modulating the body’s ability to clear toxins and infections. She now has a fitness and health website www.thebodynexus.com, where she writes articles and shares education on utilizing the various body systems into improve overall health.
14 December, 2021

Just Exhausted or Exhausted Adrenals?

By |2021-12-14T16:25:53+00:00December 14th, 2021|Chronic Illness, Detoxification, Educational, Environmental Toxins, Fatigue, Hormones, Immune System, Inflammation, Mold Health Issues, Toxic Load|0 Comments

9 November, 2021

Exploring Underlying Causes of “Brain Fog”

By |2021-11-09T17:58:32+00:00November 9th, 2021|Chronic Illness, Detoxification, Educational, Environmental Toxins, Immune System, Inflammation, Mold Health Issues, Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Supplements|0 Comments

2 November, 2021

The Use of Gastrointestinal Immune Support Products

By |2021-11-02T15:35:44+00:00November 2nd, 2021|Chronic Illness, Detoxification, Digestive Health, Digestive Health, Educational, Environmental Toxins, Immune System, Mold Health Issues, Supplements|4 Comments

19 October, 2021

When Normal Lab Results are NOT Normal

By |2021-10-19T14:29:41+00:00October 19th, 2021|Chronic Illness, Educational, Environmental Toxins, Hormones, Immune System, Inflammation, Mold Health Issues, Mold Testing, Supplements, Toxic Load|3 Comments

12 October, 2021

Treating Complex Patients With Chronic Illnesses

By |2021-10-12T14:40:00+00:00October 12th, 2021|Chronic Illness, Detoxification, Educational, Environmental Toxins, Fatigue, Fungal Sinusitis, Immune System, Inflammation, Mold Health Issues, Personal Stories, Toxic Load|8 Comments

5 October, 2021

Simply Tired and Lacking Energy, or Chronic Fatigue?

By |2021-10-05T16:53:25+00:00October 5th, 2021|Chronic Illness, Educational, Environmental Toxins, Fatigue, Hormones, Immune System, Inflammation, Mold Health Issues, Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Toxic Load|0 Comments

28 September, 2021

Fall Weather and Mold Illness Issues

By |2021-09-28T15:05:57+00:00September 28th, 2021|Allergies, Chronic Sinusitis, Educational, Environmental Toxins, Hormones, Inflammation, Mold Cleaning Tips, Mold Health Issues, Mold Tips, Supplements|4 Comments

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