Like Peas and Carrots, Mold and Lyme Often Go Together

by Dr. Martin Hart, DC

Are you someone who has been treating Lyme disease for YEARS? Countless rounds of antibiotics and herbals, with only mild relief. Many cases of Lyme disease come into our office that have been to many doctors trying to cure this illness to no avail. Why can’t they seem to get rid of this bacterium!? What we have found is that it’s often due to mold toxicity.

Lyme disease is caused by an infection of the bacteria Borrelia Burgdorferi. Borrelia is a spirochetal bacterium (shaped like a spiral corkscrew) that loves to burrow into tissues causing symptoms such as fever, fatigue, brain fog, joint pain, muscle aches, and much more. It’s associated with many named diseases such as Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, and Lymphoma. Along with Borrelia, many Lyme cases also have co-infections like Bartonella, Babesia, and Mycoplasma.

Testing for Lyme disease is not easy as the bacteria has many ways to avoid detection. The most common blood test looks for the way our immune system attacks certain markers on the bacteria called antigens. Borrelia has developed the ability to change its antigen almost like a criminal can change clothes, making it easy to disguise and hard to find. On top of that, if your immune system is suppressed (due to mold for instance), then you may not make enough immune cells to register on the blood test. Borrelia is also pleomorphic; it literally changes shape to avoid immune attacks. What adds to the confusion is that Lyme disease symptoms are often mysterious and changing, so if your doctor does find Lyme, they assume that is causing all of your problems.

You and your doctor end up chasing Lyme and its co-infections for years, never quite gaining enough ground. And then you walk into my clinic, and we do a thorough investigation of your case. Maybe we find Lyme or its co-infections but what we often uncover underneath…is mold.

It’s Not Just Lyme

Most cases of chronic Lyme disease have turned out to be mold toxicity. Yes, you may have Lyme, but why isn’t it leaving? Why has it become chronic? Because mold toxicity has a cascading effect that greatly suppresses your immune system, preventing your body from controlling Lyme disease. You see all the herbals and antibiotics in the world can not completely eradicate the bacteria from your body. What Lyme treatment aims to do is reduce the bacterial load to a level that your immune system can safely control.

Where Mold Comes In

Mold toxicity prevents your immune system from doing a good job policing the Lyme disease and associated co-infections, so they keep rearing their ugly heads over and over again. Not only does mold suppress the immune system, but it greatly increases inflammation in the body making the pain and issues from Lyme disease even worse and ongoing. Mold negatively impacts your hormones, creates chronic fatigue, brain fog, inhibits detoxification, increases depression, dehydrates you, and can cause sinus infections. Just to name a few of its effects.

With Lyme disease, mold toxicity prevents your body from effectively clearing the infection and exacerbates the effects the bacteria have on your system. The good news is that when you correctly deal with the mold, you can effectively treat the Lyme disease and CONTROL it—see how I once again said control and not eradicate. That is a very important concept here, especially when seeking to understand Lyme disease as it is, like every piece of your health, an exercise in consistency and positive measures to make it better.

My Suggestions

What do you do if you are experiencing increased Lyme symptoms, chronic Lyme, or a recurrent case of Lyme disease?

  1. Test your home and your nose for mold using the EC3 Mold Plates.
  2. If you find mold, make your area a safer place with fogging, EC3 Mold Candles, and cleaning with EC3 Products. (You may need remediation in some circumstances).
  3. Begin a comprehensive mold detoxification program such as our 7 Steps to Mold Recovery that we use at Keystone Total Health.
  4. Use a good quality binder.
  5. Help clear the mold from your sinuses and body with CitriDrops Nasal Spray and CitriDrops in your water.
  6. Support your immune system with Sinus Defense 2.0
  7. Rebalance hormones and brain function with CellTropin.

Sometimes after adequately addressing the mold toxicity, we no longer need to treat the Lyme as the symptoms subside. Other times, we regroup and support the body in clearing the bacteria, albeit much more effectively now that the immune system is up and running. Don’t spin your wheels for years looking for answers, take an investigative systems-based approach to getting healthy.

Questions? Comments? Please write to us below. We would love to continue the conversation. You may also reach out to Dr. Hart and his team directly at