How Advanced Biofeedback Reveals the Path Back to Health

by Amalia Samaraweera and Scott Hutchinson

Our family’s introduction to neo-biofeedback and other natural health methods that changed our lives, helped us to discover the hidden mold in our home, and helped us to recover from a variety of symptoms in less than 4 months.

Getting Started With Natural Health: Our Family’s Story

After the successful home birth of our first child, my husband Scott and I looked for a natural health practitioner in our town of Billings, Montana, to help continue our care. We were on the hunt for a Craniosacral Therapist to help our 4-day-old infant gently recover from the issues that come along with being born as a footling breech birth. We thought about chiropractic care first, but at 4 days old it seemed too aggressive to do any manipulation. After learning that craniosacral therapy uses only 5 grams of pressure and a light touch, we figured it was the gentler approach. After finding the clinic to do the job, with Dr. Paul Robbins, our daughter responded so well that after 1.5 hours of Craniosacral Therapy, my concerns were gone, and the posture and structural issues had begun to correct themselves.

Impressed with the results, we came back to the clinic months later to seek help for Scott when he suffered a painful back injury during his athletic practice. After a hospital visit and some painkillers, we were still weeks into an injury that left him dependent on the support of others to move. We recalled the success of our child’s Craniosacral Therapy and decided to give it a try. However, during Scott’s appointment, we were introduced to a new idea and were told that there was a chance the pain of the injury was no longer physical but stored as a memory within the muscles and nerves. If that were true, pain could be relieved quickly through Auricular Therapy (a holistic therapy that uses electrical current tuned to specific frequencies to stimulate points on the ear to promote healing and alleviate discomfort throughout the body.) Our one hospital visit had indicated this could be the case, and we decided to try it. After only one hour of Auricular therapy, Scott walked out of the appointment on his own and with ZERO pain. We were stunned.

Then it was my turn. After seeing Scott go from immobile to climbing rock walls, I needed to see how Auricular Therapy could resolve my 4-year long neck and shoulder injury. I filled out my client intake form, and when the Doctor saw it, he gave me a look, but not the concerned kind, the excited kind. The lengthy symptom survey had revealed my history of tangled and overlapping symptoms. I had tried many interventions before this and had long given up the idea that relief could be found, but yet again, this Doctor had another surprise. He told me, “What YOU need is Biofeedback.”

Advanced Biofeedback and Healing Frequencies

That day, I sat in the clinic confused but intrigued. This Doctor was telling me that together, we were going to restore the energetic balance of all of my symptoms at once through a device that sends your body healing frequencies. I was skeptical as I come from a family of Doctors of Medicine, although more alternative than many. I figured that we had already tried everything (from prescriptions to herbal remedies and homeopathy). What convinced me to try biofeedback was the amount of data that was generated in the process— I LOVE DATA. I figured if absolutely nothing else came of it, I would know a lot more about myself to be able to use that data in the future.

Biofeedback, across all different varieties, is a powerful tool to listen and learn what the body is communicating. Better yet, it empowers you to learn to reprogram the body’s response to stress and this specific kind of biofeedback taps into the body’s measurable stress response and gives us feedback based on hundreds of frequencies. So, unlike the traditional bloodwork that I had received previously noting that all was “OK,” biofeedback reveals within one session over 80 pages of information to help navigate the issues that were previously invisible, or beyond physical detection.

The report that I got back in my first biofeedback session was eerily accurate. The Bach Flower remedies revealed my deepest emotions that I was unwilling to yet acknowledge or had wanted to share with anyone. It confirmed my suspicions of what was out of balance in my body, and the accuracy led me to look deeper into each item to see if there was truth to why it showed up on the report in the first place. Like the mold— but we’ll get to that later.

Healing Through Frequencies Alone

After my first biofeedback scan, I left the office with the same amount of shoulder and neck pain, a pouch full of digitally created tinctured remedies, and a lot of questions. I also had a plan, and by that time, I had seen enough healing demonstrations for my family that I was ready, open to trust, and not ready to give up hope. While still unsure what I had gotten myself into, I now had hope that the remedies would restore the balance within my body and address the individual energetic imbalances that came up. I took the “drops” of tinctured digital remedies daily and continued to reinforce the balancing frequencies for 4 months. At the time, I was not taking any supplements. When I returned at my 3rd appointment, we reviewed how my symptoms were progressing. The things making strides of progress were the stubborn things, that had seen no progress in years! Here is my list of symptoms that had made strides in a positive direction:

  • My sense of smell: Returned after slowly losing it for 8 years
  • Cold sensitivities: Gone. I even took my dog out as he could tolerate it on days of -20 degrees F.
  • Energy levels: Surprisingly good for a new mom
  • EMF sensitivity: Gone, no more lightheadedness, headaches, or dizziness.
  • Hair: Growing and not graying after 4 years of no growth and rapid graying
  • Depression: Much improved
  • Anxiety: Getting better
  • Sugar Cravings: Almost gone
  • ADHD: Not noticeable
  • Immune system: Recovering

The list goes on.

From Clients to Practitioners

We began to tell everyone we knew about our experience. We became so attached to these modalities and pursued the knowledge of how and why these things worked out of curiosity alone. Our curiosity kept expanding to the point where my husband and I both decided to attain the necessary certificates to practice ourselves in the state of Montana. With much support and encouragement, we followed in the footsteps of the clinic owner, Dr. Robbins (now practicing at Natural Wellness Clinic in The Woodlands, TX), and we have maintained his practice through our clinic, Advance Wellness Clinic of Billings, MT. We attended and completed Meridian Stress Analyst training, as well as completed certificates in Auricular Medicine. Scott has attended Upledger Institute for Certificates in Craniosacral Therapy CS1 and CS2 and plans to continue through the full course of study. He has also taken courses for certificates with the London College of Osteopathy. Together as husband and wife, we are working towards a total of six Doctorates. We have set a goal to graduate each as Doctors of Natural Medicine, Doctors of Sacred Medicine, and Bioenergetic Doctors through the Institute of Bioenergetic Medicine. Since opening the doors to Advance Wellness Clinic, we have been very privileged to have the perspective of looking inside hundreds of scans of “sick” bodies and have learned that the energetic body holds a lot of information that we want to share with all of you.

A New Perspective on How Our Bodies Interact with the World

A world of insights was revealed to us through seeing the energetic imbalances that people are experiencing. Coming from client to practitioner, at first it was shocking to see signatures of Lyme, Parasites, Epstein Barr Virus, and Mycotoxins on most of my clients’ scans. Then we began to learn how energetic signatures differ from physical presence and how common the physical presence may be, although often undetected. Since energetic scans are a non-diagnostic tool, a scan alone cannot derive a direct correlation between the physical presence of these things. I knew from my own experience, that shifting energy can impact the physical picture of health, but I didn’t know to what extent energetics alone could be used. While my symptoms were relieved through frequency drops only in a matter of months, I began to watch the differences between the individuals I began to help. Some people took much longer, some people’s symptoms were relieved within the month, some people needed supplements in order to accomplish the work, and some had no success. We began to look for patterns so that we could set better expectations for people interested in frequency healing. We continue to see these patterns repeat and hope that by sharing, it may help you to understand your health journey in a new light.

The “No Success” Cases

There is one pattern that seems to be maintained. If you do not have hope that your condition may improve, then frequency alone will not be strong enough to combat that reinforced program. The signature of a thought can show up on a biofeedback scan. So, imagine holding a negative thought pattern about your ability to heal and repeating it more often than you can even take your balancing remedies. It’s a tough case to crack, and those are the ones where we often see them give up before making progress. That process takes time.

Children are More Sensitive Than Adults

Children’s responses to biofeedback frequency remedies can be quite remarkable. Their natural sensitivity allows them to fine-tune their reactions to the exact optimal balance of frequencies needed for their well-being. Too many frequencies are too much, and too few are not enough. When the frequencies are perfectly aligned, children tend to show signs of improved balance and calmness. Conversely, when exposed to excess, they may exhibit signs of hyperactivity or mood outbursts. This has been true for enough children that we have encountered, that we begin to question the instances where some children do not display the same acute responses to biofeedback remedies. This discrepancy led us to explore potential physical underlying factors, toxins, heavy metals, emotional stress, and even mold exposure.

Unlike children, adults seem to have developed a shell, or a layer of protection where frequencies cause less dramatic reactions within the body. It is both good and bad. While a useful defense in some cases, we may have also muted our responses to beneficial frequencies. The same people who do experience as much success with frequency healing seem to have less success with homeopathy or energetics alone. This is not always the case with all adults, and adults who do treat their bodies well, eat clean, reduce toxic exposures, etc., seem to recover the ability to be easily swayed by frequency. Those adults may make leaps and bounds of improvement within the first few months, then reach a wall. This is the area where I begin to look in the scans to see what physical presence should be investigated further: ie., if mold or fungal signatures are commonly coming up.

What About When Mold Comes Up in a Scan?

Is it worth it to take precautions, invest in a test, or have an inspector come assess the home environment? As I had mentioned, my reports consistently showed the need for energetic support related to mold exposure, so I decided to get my house professionally checked. We did find black mold in the bathroom hidden beneath the baseboards. Although not a dramatic amount of mold, it was in an area of the home where we heated and put moisture in the air everyday spending hours in the environment and with air heating and cooling vents blowing directly on the area. I could not have it removed right away due to the possibility that it was more extensive and required a larger financial investment than we could handle at the time, but I was able to use the knowledge to implement temporary solutions to improve our air quality, properly covering the damaged area and reducing our exposure as much as possible.

Whether a child or adult, mold is one of those factors that can impact and disrupt the success of a natural healing process. It can interfere with the body’s ability to respond to healing frequencies and is a significant physical barrier. Similar to the “no success” individual who repeats a negative thought, imagine the negative thought was amplified by a strength of 100,000 and repeated as often as your daily exposure if you are living in a moldy environment?!! It needs to be addressed. Our biofeedback scans may indicate imbalances of fungal toxins or mold exposure, prompting a good discussion about the possibility of mold and reasons to look into it further.

Addressing Mold in the Home

To fully support the body’s healing journey, especially when expected healing has not come around no matter what you’ve tried, it’s essential to address the external physical factors. With the significance of mold’s impact on health, I see it as a preventative and important measure for many. Prevention is much less expensive than what happens if it goes on too long undetected. The number of clients who come to me after having spent multiple thousands of dollars on their health is frustrating. Through biofeedback, we have tested clients’ biocompatibility with their water, home air quality, family pets, and more. In cases where the air quality repeatedly showed a lack of biocompatibility, we have new tools available through Micro Balance Health Products and are excited about the possibilities to address the environmental aspects that are often the top layer issues.

Every individual is different. We expect that some individuals may have sensitivities to ingredients used to help combat mold, particularly in the candles. However, we’re always helping our clients manage their own health decisions by providing scan information and can generally let you know in advance if that may be an issue in the process. They can then weigh the pros and cons when mold removal is not immediately available as an option.

Looking Forward to Proactive Attitudes about Mold

An important thing to remember is that even people who keep a clean home can have mold exposure! If you have major health concerns, especially complex ones, then by proactively identifying and addressing these hidden disruptors, we can enhance the effectiveness of all means of natural therapies and support optimal health outcomes. Addressing mold in the home using products like Micro Balance Health’s EC3 Air Purification Candles or other mold maintenance products is a step to consider so your home environment supports, rather than hinders, your healing journey. We offer free 20-minute consultations remotely, by Zoom, or by phone if anyone is looking into Micro Balance products and has questions or has curiosities about what Biofeedback could reveal for them, you can find us at Advance Wellness Clinic.

