mold recovery and mold sickness Mold Recovery: Three Factors

originally posted June 5, 2014

We hear frequently from customers who want to know “How long will my recovery from mold exposure take?” Recovery time is dependent on several different factors, as with so many health issues there is no ‘simple’ answer to this question. Besides the obvious point of how well you adhere to the required regimen, there are three basic factors that dictate the length of time it will take to cleanse your system.

First: Time Length of Mold Exposure

The single greatest factor in your recovery from mold is time of exposure. If you have been living in a house with a substantial mold problem for years, you are highly likely to have a fungal build-up in your body. This can take the form of fungus balls in your sinuses. It can be Candida in your gut. In extreme cases mold can be stored in and around the organs of your body.

The more mold that builds up in your body the longer it takes to remove, and the more powerful the anti-fungal you will need to stop your symptoms. If it took years to create the problem, it could take more than a year to undo it. And that is assuming that you have completely remediated the mold source and/or moved out of the problem environment. If you continue to put mold into your body you may never get truly well, you will only succeed in reducing your symptoms.

Second: Type of Mold

The second issue to consider is the type of mold to which you have been exposed. There are really just two types of mold for the purpose of this discussion: poisonous and non-poisonous.

Ninety percent of all molds are inert to most of the population (meaning they don’t trigger any reactions from the immune system). However, they can and do cause BIG problems for people with fungal allergies. For these people mold disrupts the normal immune system function and creates a vicious cycle of progressive disease. That disease can eventually do permanent damage to the pituitary system, but that is in very advanced stages.

If your exposure is to the other 10% of the mold family that produces poisonous mycotoxins, your recovery will take longer. You may be familiar with some of these already: Aspergillus niger, Stachybotrys, Fusarium moniliforme, and Alternaria are your major culprits. The body begins to absorb the airborne poisons almost immediately after exposure. Mycotoxins have the ability to disrupt normal cellular activity in the body such as RNA, protein and DNA synthesis (and yes, those are as important as they sound). Unfortunately, these more toxic molds are the ones that seem to thrive best in damp indoor environments. To compound matters it is not uncommon to have several varieties ‘blooming’ in the same place creating a compounded ill effect. Mycotoxin is a slow acting poison which builds ups and causes damage over time. To get rid of this poison the body has to heal damaged tissue and process it out through the liver.

Third: Degree of Sensitivity to Mold

The third factor to consider in recovery time is to what degree are you sensitive to mold? Sensitivity is important because, you will be exposed to mold in your daily living. Mold is nature’s way of breaking down dead matter and it is present in small amounts almost everywhere. In fact, mold likely comes into your home every time you open your front door.

We are all sensitive to some degree to mold exposure, but it is a pretty big issue for fungal allergic people. (About 16-20% of the population is estimated to be genetically predisposed to fungal allergies.) Also, the older you get the more sensitive you become. Because as we age, beginning around age 20, Thymus Hormone production decreases and by the late 40s the gland produces very little. The hormone created by the Thymus is the fuel that runs your immune system. This is why older people get sick more often than young people and why your reactions seem to worsen as the years go by. There are always exceptions and there are many young people who are highly sensitive to mold, but the vast majority of severe sufferers are over age 35.

Mold Exposure: The long and the short of it…

Most fungal allergy sufferers can withstand small doses of mold. But prolonged exposure increases sensitivity thereby slowing the recovery time. This is why it is so imperative to make sure during your recovery that you are living and working in clean environmental air.

So assuming that your mold exposure is relatively short, the recovery can be fairly quick. People often see results in just days, by following our protocol. Now, if you have had a relatively short exposure to mycotoxins it will likely take several weeks to get relief from your symptoms. As we stated earlier, if the exposure to mold has been prolonged your recovery could take up to a year and involve environmental steps, sinus washes, as well as diet and nutritional supplements. The good news is that our system is scalable so if you are having severe symptoms due to longer term exposure you can add product to speed up the healing process.

If you would like more information on mold allergies or how to treat your environment check out the other great articles on this site. Also visit Micro Balance Health Products for mold cleaning solutions for nose, clothes, and home.
