Sinus Defense & Beta Glucans
An Oral Spray for Chronic Sinus probelms
The underlying problem in any allergy is that the body does not know how to process the antigen out. This reaction causes the problems known as sinusitis, but also know a fungal allergy can have other symptoms as well. Sinus Defense is revolutionary because it “teaches” the body how to rid itself of the fungal invader. This exciting new product developed over the course of 20 years by Sinus Specialist, Donald Dennis, MD, FACS, is garnering rave reviews from patients. Sinus Defense contains homeopathic Lac Vaccinum (homeopathic colostrum). This product was released in November of 2012 and already word-of-mouth is spreading! Don’t take our word for it. See what people are saying below.
Not a Pill!
Sinus Defense is administered as an oral spray under the tongue for quick absorption into the body without exposing it to stomach acid, and can be used up to three times a day. This oral delivery system allows Sinus Defense to get into your system quickly and easily. Since many chronic sinusitis patients also experience malabsorption issues an oral spray delivers more of what helps you feel better!
See what others experience has been with Sinus Defense in the following notes and videos.
These are REAL people, REAL stories.
[/two_third] [one_third_last]This patient had sinusitis all of her life. Underwent four surgeries. Chronic fatigue. After using Sinus Defense, her life changed immensely. She now lives at a “10” (On a scale of 1 to 10 energy level). When she gets sick she recovers quicker and feels better in 45 min. after increasing dose. Now she has the same quality of life that others around her have. Instead of being sick, and having only 1 or 2 good days a month that are “5s” she now lives at an 8-10 energy level all the time! (see more stories below)[/one_third_last][hr style=”1″ margin=”10px 0px 10px 0px”]
[/two_third] [one_third_last]Peggy is a musician and chronic sinus sufferer who is using Sinus Defense and eliminated her sinus problems.[/one_third_last]
What is it? Homeopathic Colostrum contains Proline–Rich-Polypeptides (PRP) which are small, immune signaling peptides found in colostrum that function as signal transducer molecules that have the unique effect of modulating the immune system. Basically PRP tells the body to turn on the correct ‘signals’ when the body comes under attack from pathogens or other disease agents, and then to dampen the signals when the danger is eliminated or neutralized.
About Beta Glucans
You can accelerate the elimination of mold by 300% by taking Beta Glucans along with Sinus Defense. Beta Glucans, a a Beta-1, 3-D glucan, binds with the fungal antigen creating a larger compound that is easier for the body to eliminate. The formula also pumps up your macrophage levels (They are the garbage collectors of the body) Also, the activated cells start a cascade of events that cause the entire system to be alerted and mobilized, in an entirely naturally activated sequence. The result is an amplified immune system response.
When you have Chronic Sinusitis you are most likely genetically predisposed to be overly sensitive to mold and mycotoxins (toxic fumes emitted by mold). Your immune system quite simply cannot keep up with the constant call to fight these ‘invaders’ in your body, so boosting the immune system is of paramount importance to CS sufferers!
[/two_third] [one_third_last]After over 25 years with chronic sinusitis, with antibiotics, steroids and everything associated with it, after a couple of weeks of using the Sinus Defense oral spray, most of the symptoms almost immediately vanished.[/one_third_last]
[/two_third] [one_third_last]Went into restaurant, in 30 minutes started coughing, sinuses were full, swelling, could not breathe through her nose, before she could get home she was wheezing in her chest. After two weeks on Sinus Defense, after going into a moldy theater, did not think she had a problem while there. Next day was tired, had polyps but did not get the other symptoms she usually got with a mold exposure.[/one_third_last]
[/two_third] [one_third_last]Sinusitis for the last five to six years. Sick every year from September to February with sinus infections. Colds would go into bronchitis. After taking Sinus Defense he has more energy and had the best year of his life in the last six years.[/one_third_last]
[/two_third] [one_third_last]Patient suffered with brain fog, headaches, chronic sinus infections. She had trouble breathing. She used Sinus Defense and is back to normal. Knowing that she is sensitive to mold, she simply uses Sinus Defense after being exposed and does ever so much better![/one_third_last]
[/two_third] [one_third_last]Exposure to mold caused this patient to sweat and experience cramping. After using Sinus Defense oral spray he has reduced his symptoms caused by exposure to mold by about 90%![/one_third_last]
[/two_third] [one_third_last]Mold exposure caused Myasthenia Gravis (a chronic autoimmune neuromuscular disease characterized by varying degrees of weakness of the skeletal muscles of the body) along with inflamation throughout her body. Problems kept getting worse and doctors did not even diagnose the Myasthenia Gravis for a long time. She spent 13 days in ICU, some of that on life support! She chose to follow Dr. Dennis’ homeopathic methods of removing mold from her and environment and is now improving greatly! In this case she had also remove herself fromher work environment that was mold contaminated. [/one_third_last]
180 degree turn overnight was amazing!
I received the bottle of Sinus Defense from you and held on to it for a couple of days as my wife, Bella, and I decided to pray about its use. On Friday evening we had dinner at our Senior Pastor’s house. I looked at Bella after we had eaten and saw that she was turning the grayish color that indicates mold exposure. Her eyes were sagging as were her shoulders and she was not playing with the Pastor’s kids. I said to her, “Bella, you arn’t feeling well, are you?”. She said that she was fine. I said, “I can tell you are not well.” She said, “Yeah, but I’ll make it (through the dinner).”
I asked her where she had been that she could have gotten mold exposed (she is getting good at figuring this out). She said that she had some roses in her room that she threw out earlier in the day, and that these roses had become moldy. By the time Joanna got her home (I had to go back to work.), she had a 101° F fever. This is typical of mold exposure for her, with the fever maxing out at 103-105° F within the following 3 days after an exposure. She had not used the vaccine up to this point. I told Joanna to put the glutathione balm on her, give her a sublingual resveratrol and 9 sprays of the vaccine. She did all of that and the next morning Bella was well. Whenever Bella gets mold exposed, the symptoms last for 3-5 days and require a lot of Ibuprofen to control the fever. This 180 degree turn overnight was amazing! Especially since you stated that it would probably take 30 days to see benefit from the vaccine. She is now using the vaccine daily and we have not seen any side effects at all.
I will continue to keep you updated…
Thank you!!
JW Biava,
Within an hour my throat muscles and nerves were relaxed, the lump was gone, I was breathing normally, and the brain fog had lifted.
My name is Helen Cleveland. I am an employee benefits lawyer, which is complex work. My law offices are in the pool house across a courtyard from my flooded and mold-ridden home. Dr. Dennis successfully treated my serious mold infection last summer after my house flooded.
Today, January 10, 2012, I felt bad when I awoke but attributed my illness to worsening symptoms of bronchitis. The muscles in my throat began to tighten as if they were in a vice, my nerves began to jump violently, a lump sensation formed in my throat, and I could not catch my breath. I had severe brain fog. My life began to flash before me. I felt grief that I was dying before I finished taking care of family members who can no longer care for themselves financially. I prayed for God to help me. I willed myself to catch my breath and labored to get oxygen to my lungs. I called the contractor who is working in my house and asked him to come to the pool house and help me. He knows I am hyper-sensitive to mold. He asked me if I had been in the house. I told him I had opened the kitchen door to lock it last night because a worker had left it unlocked. He told me he had removed the old subflooring in the kitchen yesterday and discovered mold. I assumed the brain fog would last a couple months as it did last summer. I sent emails to two clients telling them I would not be able to complete projects I was working on. I called Dr. Dennis. He gave me Sinus Defense mouth spray and Voriconazole nose spray. Within an hour my throat muscles and nerves were relaxed, the lump was gone, I was breathing normally, and the brain fog had lifted. I emailed my clients and told them I had been given miracle drugs and was back at work completing their projects. Several hours later I took and break from work and realized the bronchitis symptoms had subsided.
Helen Cleveland
Cleveland Gilbreath LLC, Atlanta GA
NOTE: Sinus Defense contains homeopathic Lac Vaccinum, which is homeopathic colostrum not to be confused with being a “vaccine”. Some of the patients in the following videos were using this product prior to final release and refer to it inadvertently as a ‘vaccine’ or as ‘Sine Immune’ which was one of the product names considered. These videos are from several of Dr. Dennis’ patients… if you have your own Sinus Defense story please email us at:
[/two_third] [one_third_last]Sinus infections since 8 years old. Had multiple surgeries, and sinus abscesses, polyps, chronic infections, fungal infections. Had body & joint aches and pains associated with the sinus infections. After starting on Sinus Defense, has not had any more sinus infections, body & joint aches & pains have resolved and has more energy, feels better because does not have a chronic sinus infection.[/one_third_last]
[/two_third] [one_third_last]Chronic sinus infections would put her “down” for at least a week or longer with all treatment. Since using Sinus Defense, when she felt a sinus infection coming on, it only took TWO DAYS to recover and did not feel like she had the flu or head pain. She bounced back quicker than she ever had before.[/one_third_last]
[/two_third] [one_third_last]Allergies, chronic sinus headaches, four sinus surgeries, allergic fungal sinusitis, after taking the Sinus Defense, she has had more energy, can go into normal places without getting a sinus infection, and fungus in her nose, and her endoscopic pictures showed her sinuses were clear.[/one_third_last]
[/two_third] [one_third_last]Knowing she is sensitive to mold and knowing that she was traveling to a place where she knew mold existed, this patient used SINUS DEFENSE and was able to enjoy her travel to Florida for the first time. She is firm believer!!![/one_third_last]