Much has been written about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in war veterans, abuse survivors, and other major trauma situations. Unfortunately, less has been written or even acknowledged about PTSD symptoms in patients who have suffered from chronic medical issues, which includes those affected by mold and mycotoxins. As I write about this topic, I want to emphasize that I myself am a person who was made very sick by mold. Thus, I understand intimately the trauma it can cause. I am not putting all causes of PTSD on the same plane of comparison as to the nature of the trauma, though—I am certain that those who have not endured the horrors of war or abuse can fully understand the level of pain experienced and revisited by survivors. My point in writing this article is not to trivialize PTSD symptoms or to use the term as a catchphrase for all trauma-ignited nervous system reactions. Rather, it is to illuminate the fact that the multiple and sometimes more subtle, continual brain reactivities from chronic illness and toxins can also produce a biochemical and neurological response that is similar to that of other traumatic experience survivors.
Hormones and the Brain
There is a complex relationship between the body’s hormonal systems and the neurological wiring of the brain and central nervous system. While it is beyond the scope of this article to explain this in detail, an overview may help you to realize how and why the physical parts or symptoms of PTSD may happen.
One aspect of this is the adrenal gland system. Among many other functions, the adrenal gland produces hormones that aid in the “fight or flight” response. Whenever adrenaline is produced, or the energy and excitability hormones, cortisol is also released as the buffering agent to protect the body against both mental and physical stressors. A problem with chronic stress or illness is that these hormones may stay in a constant switched-on mode without reprieve. If this happens long enough, the normal cut-off mechanisms do not take place, and gradually the body becomes neurologically wired to continue this response even after the situation or illness is no longer present.
The release of cortisol and adrenaline hormones induces the body’s release of stored blood sugar, or glycogen, which, in turn, increases the release of insulin. Then, when insulin/blood sugar fluctuation is constant, myriad downstream effects occur including a lowering of immune function and resistance to illness and disease, increased insulin resistance and weight gain, and the hypoglycemic impacts on mood and energy levels.
Neurotransmitters and Dopamine
Neurologically, with PTSD sufferers, there is increased production and release of neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine. These neurotransmitters are part of what tell the brain to focus, to feel better, and to activate. The brain begins to learn that these dopamine and norepinephrine releases cause the body to “feel better” and can begin to crave the releases more and more. Sometimes the cravings to “feel better” can ignite addictive behaviors that can span from caffeine and nicotine to alcohol, drugs, and relationships—anything that brings short-term releases of more dopamine. Obsessional thinking patterns can also occur, such as those that are common in abuse cycles. Gradually the receptor sites in the brain for these neurotransmitters may become damaged or resistant to the momentary surges making the need for a continual supply of dopamine and norepinephrine necessary for proper function. Both physiologic and psychological aspects may assert themselves to keep this frantic process going and the need fulfilled.
The Cycle of PTSD
The manifestations of a brain and nervous system that have become wired for excitability and seeking the “feel good” hormones can take a huge toll both emotionally and physically on a person. Anxiety, rage, depression, and even violence often are the end results. The PTSD sufferer’s emotional outbursts and unpredictability lead to even more social isolation and despair. Then, as isolation and despair set in, the cycle continues.
PTSD, regardless of the cause, is a complicated and serious issue. I am only scratching the surface here with my discussion. My hope is to bring to light at least some of the mechanisms by which PTSD evolves to lessen the shame that some sufferers may feel because of the lack of understanding and their difficulty in controlling it.
PTSD Treatment Methods
While not complete by any means, the following are some thoughts on PTSD treatment modalities:
Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, has been found to be helpful in gradually rewiring the brain and neurological responses. The continual “loop thinking” which is part of PTSD can be interrupted and other thought patterns substituted. It takes time and a good therapist to do this, studies have shown positive outcomes.
EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprogramming) and EFT (emotional freedom technique) are some specific therapies that, for some patients, are helpful in rerouting the neuronal circuits. Some believe that these methods may enhance or speed up the positive outcomes of CBT.
Biochemically speaking, I go back to the same three basic, but crucial human needs of clean air, clean water, and clean food for optimal health. Anything you can do that decreases the biological load on the body, like avoiding dirty, mold-laden air, not eating junk foods or those causing rapid rise and fall of blood sugar and cortisol, and not drinking chlorinated, municipally sourced water goes a long way toward general stability. Clean air, food, and water also yield more stable hormones, emotions, and behaviors which, in turn, makes all other therapies and efforts go much further towards positive outcomes.
Providing the brain with much needed, and often depleted nutrients is critical for healing. Some supplemental nutrients I recommend are as follows:
Fish oil from purified sources helps reduce inflammation.
Liposomal glutathione can cross the blood brain barrier and replenish the levels of this essential antioxidant which becomes greatly reduced due to the stressors of PTSD.
L tyrosine is an amino acid which can help improve the levels of dopamine/ norepinephrine neurotransmitters.
Phosphatidylcholine, which makes up a huge percentage of the brain tissue itself, can help improve the anatomical abnormalities that occur after the constant bombardment of “faulty” chemistry due to PTSD.
Hope and Healing
The most important thing for you to know is that there is hope, and there is help for anyone suffering with PTSD. No one should feel ashamed or afraid to discuss this issue. Knowledge is power and sharing the need and desire for help opens the doors that give hope to the suffering. There are many resources both online and in person. Please have to courage to help others in need or to take a first step towards one of those resources if you need assistance with your healing.
Susan Tanner has practiced medicine for over 33 years, concentrating primarily on chronic illness and the impacts on the individual, the family and the community. Her driving curiosity into why people are made ill caused her to pursue education in Environmental Medicine, completing coursework, exams, and necessary practice years to earn board certification in this area in 2009. Her own struggles with mold-related illness drove her desire to teach those similarly affected. While in clinical practice, Dr. Tanner wrote and contributed to a number of publications on environmental health, prepared narratives for understanding in legal matters, and researched new techniques for modulating the body’s ability to clear toxins and infections. She now has a fitness and health website, where she writes articles and shares education on utilizing the various body systems into improve overall health.
This totally applies to me. I started to become ill in 2019 with strange dizziness and prolonged strange sicknesses. In 2020 when covid hit I hit out in my home and my condition quickly began to deteriorate. It attacked every organ in my body including going blind in one eye. I did not know it was mold poisoning it affected my mental capacity and I was going to several specialists no one could figure out what was wrong with me. The emergency rooms dubbed me as a hypochondriac and would no longer treat me. When I finally discovered the mold it was in every just about every wall in my house. I told my doctor that I finally knew what was wrong with me that I had mold poisoning and he patted me on the knee and said oh honey mold poisoning isn’t real! I was blind in one eye and Incredibly ill and I had a panic attack trying to drive home! I am 2 years out of the mold and I have permanent damage to my sinuses and a lot of other parts of my body. My anxiety and depression are crippling. I have contacted over a hundred agencies and lawyers and absolutely no one will help me! Everyone says they’re sorry no agency will help me most doctors say mold poisoning isn’t real and most hospitals could care less if I call and make them aware of mold poisoning. I joined a Facebook group and last count I think there were 60,000 members of mold suffers. There is no help for us! The medical profession says it isn’t real, all housing or government officials are not prepared or and or willing to help and no lawyers will take a tenant mold case! I told my property manager that I was keeping a journal hour by hour because I knew I was going to die and I wrote at least I will be with my dead mother and my property manager left in my face! I am left with permanent disabilities and damages both physical and mental and absolutely no one cares or will help!
I am so happy to see someone finally addressing this issue. Thank you! I hope this subject will get much more attention in the coming future.
After reading the article I am still a bit unclear as to the specific proposed link between mold exposure (as a specific trigger) and potential PTSD discussed here. Do you mostly mean that a person’s brain can be re-wired by the experience of the illness (exposure)? Meaning that the experience of the (often substantial) degree of illness/suffering associated with this illness (which is often also paired with medical neglect/trauma/gaslighting) embeds itself into the person’s nervous system and brain, similar to what happens with other traumas?…Or, is the proposed link more bio-chemical? With the high levels of adrenaline and cortisol released in the ongoing illness/inflammatory response creating a PTSD-like picture (but more immunologically triggered/mediated)?
I imagine both might be possible routes to a similar PTSD-like end point, (and may often overlap in various individuals) but I would love to hear your opinion/clarification on this.
I would also be most grateful for any further recourse you might recommend for either of the above routes to (or versions of) illness-triggered PTSD.
Martha, this is a very good question, and I hope to answer as best I can. My opinion is that the PTSD that can result from mold-related illness is both pathways you mention. The opinions, attitudes, and shame induction by some medical professionals and laypeople are capable of wiring biochemical responses and do their own damage much in the way that the toxins themselves trigger an inappropriate hormonal and neurochemical response. Both can and do result in damage to receptor sites for neurotransmitters, especially dopamine, which can keep the pattern of PTSD running.
Can mold give symptoms of dementia in older people? Or other neurodegenerative-type symptoms? Can there be something done if it is pretty advanced in the illness? Thankg you.
Yes–it can create neurological and cognitive impairment even in young people. It has been coined inhalational Alzheimer’s. There is much that can be done the first of which is getting the person out of the exposure. Then, sinus treatments, like Dr. Dennis’s sinusitis protocol can help. Diet is also important as is pituitary support. Sometimes antifungals or surgery is required if there is fungal colonization in the sinuses.
Can you have colonization not seen on CT of sinus? Your thoughts on marcons and if not resolving w silver/xlear- must cavitations be addressed? Too broke for that. Alternatives?
Answer to first question – Yes. If the physician is not trained in how to properly read a sinus CT, then it can be missed. If Marcons is not resolving with consistent treatment of OTC remedies, you may need a prescription antifungal/antibacterial for a while. You must also be out of the exposure. Recurrent Marcons or Marcons that doesn’t clear is usually because of continued exposure–home, belongings, work, or car. Cavitations do not always have to be addressed, but if you are out of the mold and have done what you are currently doing and Rx remedies to no avail, seeing a skilled, biological dentist may be your path to recovery. Have you had a cone-beam xray to see if you have infections?
My son is so very ill with mold lyme PTSD . Wirked with Dr. Dennis . Desperate for help . Stuck in hotel due to not being able to find Clean air . or living soace Any resources you can recommend . would be greatly appreciated
This totally applies to me. I started to become ill in 2019 with strange dizziness and prolonged strange sicknesses. In 2020 when covid hit I hit out in my home and my condition quickly began to deteriorate. It attacked every organ in my body including going blind in one eye. I did not know it was mold poisoning it affected my mental capacity and I was going to several specialists no one could figure out what was wrong with me. The emergency rooms dubbed me as a hypochondriac and would no longer treat me. When I finally discovered the mold it was in every just about every wall in my house. I told my doctor that I finally knew what was wrong with me that I had mold poisoning and he patted me on the knee and said oh honey mold poisoning isn’t real! I was blind in one eye and Incredibly ill and I had a panic attack trying to drive home! I am 2 years out of the mold and I have permanent damage to my sinuses and a lot of other parts of my body. My anxiety and depression are crippling. I have contacted over a hundred agencies and lawyers and absolutely no one will help me! Everyone says they’re sorry no agency will help me most doctors say mold poisoning isn’t real and most hospitals could care less if I call and make them aware of mold poisoning. I joined a Facebook group and last count I think there were 60,000 members of mold suffers. There is no help for us! The medical profession says it isn’t real, all housing or government officials are not prepared or and or willing to help and no lawyers will take a tenant mold case! I told my property manager that I was keeping a journal hour by hour because I knew I was going to die and I wrote at least I will be with my dead mother and my property manager left in my face! I am left with permanent disabilities and damages both physical and mental and absolutely no one cares or will help!
I am so happy to see someone finally addressing this issue. Thank you! I hope this subject will get much more attention in the coming future.
After reading the article I am still a bit unclear as to the specific proposed link between mold exposure (as a specific trigger) and potential PTSD discussed here. Do you mostly mean that a person’s brain can be re-wired by the experience of the illness (exposure)? Meaning that the experience of the (often substantial) degree of illness/suffering associated with this illness (which is often also paired with medical neglect/trauma/gaslighting) embeds itself into the person’s nervous system and brain, similar to what happens with other traumas?…Or, is the proposed link more bio-chemical? With the high levels of adrenaline and cortisol released in the ongoing illness/inflammatory response creating a PTSD-like picture (but more immunologically triggered/mediated)?
I imagine both might be possible routes to a similar PTSD-like end point, (and may often overlap in various individuals) but I would love to hear your opinion/clarification on this.
I would also be most grateful for any further recourse you might recommend for either of the above routes to (or versions of) illness-triggered PTSD.
Thank you!
Martha, this is a very good question, and I hope to answer as best I can. My opinion is that the PTSD that can result from mold-related illness is both pathways you mention. The opinions, attitudes, and shame induction by some medical professionals and laypeople are capable of wiring biochemical responses and do their own damage much in the way that the toxins themselves trigger an inappropriate hormonal and neurochemical response. Both can and do result in damage to receptor sites for neurotransmitters, especially dopamine, which can keep the pattern of PTSD running.
Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. Much appreciated!
Can mold give symptoms of dementia in older people? Or other neurodegenerative-type symptoms? Can there be something done if it is pretty advanced in the illness? Thankg you.
Yes–it can create neurological and cognitive impairment even in young people. It has been coined inhalational Alzheimer’s. There is much that can be done the first of which is getting the person out of the exposure. Then, sinus treatments, like Dr. Dennis’s sinusitis protocol can help. Diet is also important as is pituitary support. Sometimes antifungals or surgery is required if there is fungal colonization in the sinuses.
Can you have colonization not seen on CT of sinus? Your thoughts on marcons and if not resolving w silver/xlear- must cavitations be addressed? Too broke for that. Alternatives?
Answer to first question – Yes. If the physician is not trained in how to properly read a sinus CT, then it can be missed. If Marcons is not resolving with consistent treatment of OTC remedies, you may need a prescription antifungal/antibacterial for a while. You must also be out of the exposure. Recurrent Marcons or Marcons that doesn’t clear is usually because of continued exposure–home, belongings, work, or car. Cavitations do not always have to be addressed, but if you are out of the mold and have done what you are currently doing and Rx remedies to no avail, seeing a skilled, biological dentist may be your path to recovery. Have you had a cone-beam xray to see if you have infections?
Dr . Tanner,
My son is so very ill with mold lyme PTSD . Wirked with Dr. Dennis . Desperate for help . Stuck in hotel due to not being able to find Clean air . or living soace Any resources you can recommend . would be greatly appreciated
He may need more extreme mold avoidance for sometime. He may also have colonization that is keeping him sick–gut or sinus.